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Boost Your Business with Happilee's Powerful Features

Launch WhatsApp Sales

Use WhatsApp campaigns and autoreplies to showcase your product catalog

Operator Management

What if the customer left without purchasing? You can send personalized reminders through WhatsApp to motivate them to make that impulsive purchase.

Add WhatsApp Widget & Team Inbox

Make it easy for customers to raise queries on your website and collaborate with your teammates to resolve them quickly by incorporating a WhatsApp widget.

Send Bulk Campaigns & Broadcasts

Easy one-click sending of one-time or recurring promotions to thousands of opted-in customers.

Mobile Responsive

Happilee is a responsive web app. You can monitor your customer chats on both mobile and desktop.

Monitor Chat Analytics

Track your agents' reply and response time to improve your customer experience.

Facebook Leads To WhatsApp

WhatsApp provides real-time messaging capabilities, enabling businesses to engage with leads instantly.

Flow Builder

It provides a visual interface for designing and managing conversation flows, enabling businesses to build personalized and engaging experiences for their customers.

Message Tagging

It helps businesses effectively communicate with their customers while maintaining the integrity and quality of the messaging platform.

Trusted by fast-growing brands in developing markets
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